Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Freaky Fauna

One of my spring break missions (along with completing some unfinished work for classes and cleaning my bedroom) is catching up with all the blogs I follow on Tumblr, an activity I generally don't allow myself to indulge in when school is in session.
While checking one Tumblr, Freaky Fauna, I came across some wonderful maps I thought I'd share with you! (Click here if you want to see everything tagged under cartography, but I suggest checking out the rest of the blog. Awesome stuff!). All these images and their descriptions are copied from Freaky Fauna.

West side to East side.

From The Stars: A New Way To See Them by H.A.Rey (1952).

A Burmese map of the world, showing traces of Medieval European map-making

Endpapers from The Bamboo Bird by Melville Colley (1947).

SYNTHETICA, the relationship between the synthetic substances.

Map of an invented land by Boris Arztybasheff, Fortune magazine October 1940.

EDIT: Looky what I just found! They've got a tag for infographics, too! Not a huge collection but still some pretty cool stuff!

EDITEDIT: It just occurred to me that I should post a link to my tumblr! Please add me! Like I mentioned earlier, I don't use it much during the semester but when I do it's pretty swell, I must say.